三月 27th, 2017 Posted by admin 0 thoughts on “志毅軒新址裝修工程”項目詳情
客戶: 澳門特別行政區社會工作局
合約工期: 90天
面積: 290m²
造價為:MOP $1,100,000
施工日期: 2016年9月
客戶: 澳門特別行政區社會工作局
合約工期: 90天
面積: 290m²
造價為:MOP $1,100,000
施工日期: 2016年9月
客戶: 澳門特別行政區政府海事及水務局 海事博物館
合約工期: 60天
面積: 70m²
造價為:MOP $1,192,310
施工日期: 2016年12月
客戶: 禮頓建築(亞洲)有限公司
合約工期: 690天
造價為:MOP $42,681,140.00
施工日期: 2014年9月~2016年8月
巨額斥資41億美元興建的永利皇宮將於2016年上半年隆重開幕。賓客將可乘坐設有冷氣的觀光纜車,把佔地八英畝的湖光山色盡收眼底。緊接看到的是繁花似錦的華麗佈置,身處永利皇宮,賓客可盡情享受休閒娛樂的頂級體驗 。
繼2006年永利澳門開幕以來,永利皇宮是永利渡假村董事會主席暨行政總裁史提芬永利先生旗下第二個位處澳門的豪華大型綜合度假村。28層高的酒店佈置一片鳥語花香,合共提供1,700間優雅華貴的客房和套房,並匯集了多功能會議設施、設計新穎奢華的娛樂場、頂級水療及美容中心、國際知名品牌商店及尊尚星級食府於一身,極盡富麗堂皇, 十間主題餐廳, 其中我司負責其中三間永利皇宮主題餐廳。
客戶: 紅星國際工程有限公司
合約工期: 181天
面積: 5500m2
造價為:MOP $33,269,000.00
施工日期: 2014年10月~2015年3月
演藝及運動愛好者夢寐以求的大型舞台,讓您欣賞扣人心弦的表演 新濠影滙綜藝館,雲集世界各地的一線樂手、歌手、戲劇演員、合家歡劇團、運動精英,為您帶來首屈一指的現場娛樂、體壇盛事,以及頒獎典禮等。專業的設施、先進的器材,成就一幕幕扣人心弦的舞台經典;世界級衛星轉播系統,頂尖音響效果,讓演出者的精湛造詣發揮得淋漓盡致。而豪華殿堂內的5,000座位,讓觀眾在極度舒適的環境,迎接無與倫比的感官體驗。
Office: London
Sector: Commercial
Value: $135M
Surface: 250,000 m2
Year Completed: 2015
Client: SouthCentral
Christina Harris
Virginia Nelson
Danielle Bates
Dylan Lynch
Sandra Simmons
The $135 million Lump Sum project consists of the construction of approximately 250,000 m2 of new building over 5 levels. The Redevelopment Zone is an irregular shape comprising approximately 7.6ha and generally includes the existing RACV clubhouse facility, carpark (110 spaces) and golf driving range.
We look forward to again teaming up with SouthCentral following the successful delivery of multiple projects including the award winning RACV Torquay Resort, RACV City Club, RACV Royal Pines Day Spa and the RACV Cobram Resort. We are also currently delivering the Royal Pines Children’s Pool & Waterpark with SouthCentral in Queensland.
“Cast is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. It really saves me time and effort. Cast is exactly what our business has been lacking. Just what I was looking for. Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free!”
– Meagan W, SouthCentral CEO.
Fibres were added to the clear resin to make it translucent enough to simultaneously cast patterns of shadow on the ground and allow dappled light through. The “petals” are reinforced with carbon fibre strands, expressed as a filigree pattern of veins.
The 2015 construction is open until 7 February 2016 after which it will be gifted to Melbourne and moved to a permanent location.